Saturday, September 17, 2011

Seasons of my life

Autumn, Winter, Summer and now Spring.  Life goes by day and night.  My heart is yearning for those summer years again when love blossomed children grew and became their dream.
Now the sadness of losing ones children and coldness of winter setting in the dreams no longer laughter and joy, but tears and sadness.

Do not let all these things bring sadness remember the joy the love we still hold in our hearts.  Thank God for the Mercy he has shown and love he has bestowed on us.  Fill us with your understanding and wisdom and help us to hold on to you.  It is hard but this is life.

Each generation brings its joys and sadness.  Let us rejoice in the gifts and love each one brings.

Thank God for his bountiful gifts and turn away from the sadness.

It is not as easy as that, it is learning to live with our fears and our sadnesses, we grow and give thanks for all that has been and will be.

I am in the autumn of my life but boy is Autumn a beautiful time.  I shall rise to see the beauty of the sun and the glories of the night.

Many blessings and love.

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how you touched my hear Carolyn I have always adored your beautiful sculptured rose. do you have that in your book. You do glorious work and are obviously one glorious lady!
